Friday 27 April 2012

Closing Down for Moderation

Thats all folks!! Goodbye for now ..

G321 - Evaluation

Here is our evaluation created by Stella and myself..

Thursday 26 April 2012

So Long, Farewell AS Media Studies from Mac 2

Here is our last vlog we decided to do one all together Mac 2 the bestest group in Enfield County School Media Studies 2011-12 I'm going to miss AS

Friday 6 April 2012

G321 Evaluation Questions

1. In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How does your film opening represent particular social groups?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your film opening and why?

4. Who would be the audience for your film opening?

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this film opening?

7. Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final film opening?

Great! we have to answer these in depth and in a creative style reflective of an A level Media Studies student.. this should be fun. 

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Let's review..

Lets take a look at some definitions:

Suspense = interactive elements. The reader may choose to challenge the tale by attempting to outwit the author and solve a crime before detectives do, figure out how best to defeat a foe before the hero does, or unravel the elements of a conspiracy before the writer reveals the whole story.

Thrillers = suspense + a growing sense of threat (IE, in The Ring people only had 7 days to live, a ticking time bomb, etc.)

My favorite definition of horror is something that will explicate the darkness at the heart of the reader's soul. Horror is more than any of the above, because the reader will sympathize or see something of himself in the antagonist. Even if it is just the flaw of humanity, or the fact that a human like him is capable of an act such as murder, for example (psychological horror).

I believe we have conformed to this equation even though we only have the first 2 minutes of the film opening including the title sequence that also had the interactive elements Thrillers need and what audiences associate with them.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Tomorrow's Deadline

Tomorrow is the deadline for our AS Media Construction task. I may have been upset about reaching the end of our filming but I certainly will not be saying the same for the editing and finalising of our film opening. tough is an understatement when describing the massive challenge we had on our hands. ...

OK maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, as Mac 2 were able to get through it (just about) and it looks decent if I say so myself. I have learnt many new skills and how to deal with the frustrations of not getting perfection with our editing software as its not professional like the big studio film companies, I have had to to humbly accept the reality that some of my ideas and creative footage I wanted to include were a bit too advanced and extravagant for a two minute film opening.  
I'm quite pleased with what we have accomplished and I think a break from the computer screen is truly deserved, it will have to be a very mini one though, as we need to start our Evaluations. Well there's no rest for the wicked bring on the next task!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Production Company (2)

Here is a video showing the making of our second production company, (well it's really the first as we have placed it as the first one the audience see) it was an eventful day another triumph, great success for Mac 2 were on a roll ... heeehee 'Film' roll


Monday 26 March 2012


I am so pleased to announce that Mac 2 have finally come up with a name for our film!!!!
Bookmark this as a significant day in history, we may have been the last group but we got there in the end after searching for existing films which have already have infringement rights on titles like 'Paranoia'

Fragile - We chose this title as it reflects the idiolect of the protagonist. We wanted it to be one word as one word film titles are often effective and powerful like Se7en and Orphan.

and here it is our sixth draft - with the title of the film included!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Problems - Leave it!

The one problem we're still finding hard to overcome is the frustrations of using the sometime-ish software. On a good day it will give you its full co operation and even work fast, however recently as we draw closer and closer to the deadline of our G321 construction task  imovie has really been acting up and behaving slothful and anti! to cut my rant short we've planned on fine tuning our opening with the use of synchronous foley sound when the protagonist is in the tunnel and drops to the floor. it should look and sound very professional so when imovie decides to work we will get straight to it - so far not coming along as easily as anticipated, but hey that's "advancing technology" for you.. it better fix up otherwise we are in for some hard stressful life in this fluid digital techno era.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Look What I Found!

Here is a list of the order of film opening credits, of course this is just an outline and its not written in stone where all films have to follow the convention religiously and we won't be either, however this is a great guideline and it will make it a lot easier for us to strategically place the credits and to justify their order of appearance.

The order in which credits are billed generally follows their importance to the film, just not linearly. First is usually the motion picture company, followed by the producer, then the 'a film by' credit. Then we see the Title followed by the cast. from there we reverse gears on the whole "order of importance" guideline and work backwards to the director...

a NAME LASTNAME production
Lead Cast
Supporting Cast
Casting Director
Music Composer
Costume Designer
Associate Producers
Production Designer
Director of Photography
Executive Producer


FAILED cliff hanger!!

Here is footage of what we attempted but it didn't turn out quite right - draft 5 the hospital beep is right at the end at...

Thursday 8 March 2012


Judging by our fourth draft for our film it may seem that Mac2 haven't got a clue about appropriate fonts, sizes and placing when it comes to film credits as ours are all over the place; too small, inconsistent and in some places non-existent. It looks as if the film has only six people involved excluding a director or we couldn't be bothered to name them all because the credits stop rolling half way through the opening...

Yes indeed it definitely seems as though we have lost the plot and our group are unable to follow the conventions of a film opening however, what we wanted to find was a suitable font and colour that would contrast with the film name and compliment the filming on screen. In draft 4 we have used 'Gaz' size 32 for the credits which is the same as the 'name of film' but before that we used a different font for the main actors.

To cut a long story short we have finally found a suitable font we can all agree on the right size and colour.We chose the faded yellowish white as it contrasts the name of the film colour which is dark and it goes with the soft music and crazy state of mind the character is in, making the audience sympathise her as we researched that the font colours have an essential effect on the dominant reading the audience will take from a film.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

TV Drama Study Day

Today we went on a day trip to Richmix to learn more about tackling Section A of the exam. We watched Sherlock and had a question and answer session with the editor. Overall I enjoyed the day I learnt a lot of new techniques which i will need to revise on especially key terminology.

More info about what Pete Fraser chief examiner said on my TV Drama page

Monday 5 March 2012

SLC Productions

This is our production company made by simply using paint and a power point presentaion document but saving it as a JPEG file and uploading it to iphoto then imovie.

SLC Productions is the initials of the names of the people in our group. Stella, Letisha, Cherice its a combination of our names as the construction of our media product was a combination of our ideas and editing skills.
We are currently thinking of another company, however this one is not going to be created digitally, producing a variation shows higher skills and even the large British film companies need cross media synergy in the distribution and exposure of the film, for example Working Title UK and Universal US. 
