Thursday 29 March 2012

Tomorrow's Deadline

Tomorrow is the deadline for our AS Media Construction task. I may have been upset about reaching the end of our filming but I certainly will not be saying the same for the editing and finalising of our film opening. tough is an understatement when describing the massive challenge we had on our hands. ...

OK maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration, as Mac 2 were able to get through it (just about) and it looks decent if I say so myself. I have learnt many new skills and how to deal with the frustrations of not getting perfection with our editing software as its not professional like the big studio film companies, I have had to to humbly accept the reality that some of my ideas and creative footage I wanted to include were a bit too advanced and extravagant for a two minute film opening.  
I'm quite pleased with what we have accomplished and I think a break from the computer screen is truly deserved, it will have to be a very mini one though, as we need to start our Evaluations. Well there's no rest for the wicked bring on the next task!

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