Section B

Digital Distribution: The future of Film and Gaming


More on The King's Speech Case study

Tom Hooper

National Screen Institute discuss the new models of film marketing, distribution and finance in this digital era

This video explores the new methods of marketing films, providing good media practices and how they connect with their audiences. In turn effectively marketing and distributing which is the most important part of successful films

"Shify" - Case study
G322 Section B Shifty Case Study

Cinemas in Threat of TV Screens?

In a few years time most of everything media related will be at home at an individuals fingertips ready at thier disposal.

One person stated.. "At the moment we are in the Golden Age of Technology. Soon there will be a website that churns out quality films, far superior to YouTube. At the end of the day when you are online you don't need a name to create a good reputation for yourself, you just need finances and a team.The future of Entertainment is the Internet. Theatre and Cinema will become dated like the Drive Inns and VCRs."
Another persons view... "My opinion is that movie theaters are not going to disappear. Has been years now that we have the possibility to watch movies at home on VHS, now on dvds or even downloading them on the internet and movie attendance seems to be still strong. I personally think the experience of sitting in the dark with strangers to watch a movie on a big screen is something that for some reason will always fascinate people. Plus people don't really have that many options when they go out."
"Movies, may become more segmented. These days, I only go to the cinema for BIG movies that cry out for the big screen, big sound and a big audience. Everything else, I wait to watch it at home."

One the other hand, some answered differently more particularistic instead of universally speaking on behalf of others, like the quotes above.
"For most films I would wait to stream it in the comfort and leisure of my home because it means I wouldnt have to stand up in long que waitin to buy a ticket and food, then to sit in an audience of loud eaters, kissing couples and people I could always pause the film when I want to go toilet and refill on snacks."

"Regardless of all the new media hardware they produce out there for me to watch films in here, it will never ever top a night out watch the latest film on the BIG screen with crisp sound and the best video quality. The cinema food is really nice too. It's not just putting on a good blockbuster, its enjoying the whole cinema experience, can't be beaten much better than a simple home movie."
"To be honest with you I actually enjoy arriving when the film is screened, finding a good seat and indulging on the 10 minutes of adverts. Whilst other complain, I see it as an opportunity of being one of the first to view all the trailers of up coming films, that have not yet been advertised on TV also its a time for me to get relaxed and build up the thrill of anticipating the film I came to enjoy."

This is a topic people have very different opinions about. Many people argue that cinemas are going to disappear because of DVDs, Netflix and the internet. The cinema has been around for a very long time and its built up it reputation and come up with a strategies to distribute films that are in demand of their audience and they know how to produce a great experience so it isn't going anywhere. However I found an article by Matthew Garrahan, Los Angleles..

The largest cinema chains in the US are preparing for a summer skirmish with Hollywood by threatening to withhold films from screens if the studios proceed with contentious plans to show movies “on-demand” in homes less than two months after release.

Warner Brothers and 20th Century Fox are working on a new premium video-on-demand scheme (VOD) with Direct TV the satellite operator, which would see films made available in the home between 30 and 60 days after screening in cinemas.

The cinema chains oppose premium VOD because they argue it will erode ticket sales, with people waiting for the movie to be available in the home. Some chains, notably Regal and Cinemark, have already begun to scale back the number of promotional trailers they screen by studios involved in premium VOD, added Mr Fithian.
The studios have declined to comment. But cinema owners have already started an aggressive campaign.

For more info read the full article here.

Seven Deadly questions how to answer number 4

Film distribution through cinema

To conclude my research shows that the same films are not being shown at all cinemas as the they decide that certain unique screenings are not demanded for in that specific area of the East midland region. This even relates to the reason only one film is screened at the vue in Leicester, the people in the area may not watch films on a weekend as regularly as they do during the week, the cinema has made the decision based on their knowledge of this to only distribute the most demanded film or many a unique screening on the weekend. Another conclusion is that whilst only two out of five cinemas distribute films to visually impaired and deaf audiences the other three screen films multiple times a day. This could mean that both categories limit the content distributed to specific audiences and are in danger of excluding potential costumers as they based their decisions on particularistic findings instead of being universal and general options for the audience giving more vareity.

PRODUCTION: making films

DISTRIBUTION: promoting films and getting them into cinemas and out on to DVD as well as any spin offs/related media products.

CONSUMPTION: people paying at the cinema, renting or buying DVDs and downloading and purchasing related products.

Process Of Attaching A Distributor

Distribution is fundamental for a film to make profit, or even break even on its costs. A distribution company may be attached to a project during pre-production, especially for Studio productions for which the distribution company will most likely be a sister company of the production company. However, in the independent industry getting distribution can be a significant challenge. Sometimes a distribution company will be attached from the outset; this will significantly help the independent production company attract financiers. Often though, the film will be taken to film festivals in the hope that a film buyer will purchase the film. Independent film companies often employ a sales agent whose role it is to seek out distribution companies for the film.

In our contemporary society, so reliant on digital media, online distribution is a growing area, however using media sharing sites such as to distribute a film attracts no profit (though it may attract distributors if enough hype is built). There is profit to be made in selling and renting the film via and iTunes, though the advertising campaign for the film will have to be strong in order for audiences to be aware enough of the film, to know to download it.
