Wednesday 4 April 2012

Let's review..

Lets take a look at some definitions:

Suspense = interactive elements. The reader may choose to challenge the tale by attempting to outwit the author and solve a crime before detectives do, figure out how best to defeat a foe before the hero does, or unravel the elements of a conspiracy before the writer reveals the whole story.

Thrillers = suspense + a growing sense of threat (IE, in The Ring people only had 7 days to live, a ticking time bomb, etc.)

My favorite definition of horror is something that will explicate the darkness at the heart of the reader's soul. Horror is more than any of the above, because the reader will sympathize or see something of himself in the antagonist. Even if it is just the flaw of humanity, or the fact that a human like him is capable of an act such as murder, for example (psychological horror).

I believe we have conformed to this equation even though we only have the first 2 minutes of the film opening including the title sequence that also had the interactive elements Thrillers need and what audiences associate with them.

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