Sunday 26 February 2012

Certificate 15

Name of Film - rated 15 in cinemas June 24th.....

Mac 2 have been thinking very carefully about the certificate rating of our film, this was challenging as it meant we had to think of where the storyline could possibly go from our 2 minute film opening, we decided that it should have a certificate 15 as it is not suitable for young viewers as it would contain, some violence and strong language, and scenes that even some adults would find disturbing.

The genre is psychological thriller so some footage featured would be very scary and confusing with most scenes playing back on the audience mind. We wanted our target audience which are 15 - 35 year olds to have the 'jumping-out-of-your-seat, skin-crawling'  experience when enjoying the film without it actually being labelled a horror movie.

This information is from,

15 – Suitable only for 15 years and over no one younger than 15 may see a ‘15’ film in a cinema.
No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a ‘15’ rated video work.

The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory
language or behaviour.

Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not
promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily
accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example,
aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.

Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.
Imitable behaviour
Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and 
self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. 
Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.

There may be frequent use of strong language (for example,
‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be
acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated 
use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.

Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without 
strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a
non-sexual or educational context.

Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail.
There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour,
but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable
unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is
sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.

No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is
appropriate for 15 year olds.

Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction 
of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to
be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also 
unlikely to be acceptable.
There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence
but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and
have a strong contextual justification.

Films we researched that had the same certificate and the same sort of certificate were:
The Orphanage, Gothika and Se7en

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Film Production companies

Today in class we started to seriously think about putting our film production company names down on paper, we came up with many, many possibilities - non plausible though, as we couldn't come up with reasons for choosing them, and how to produce them into an effective logo. I created this montage of existing film production company logos to help us get more ideas and see what has already been taken.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Thrillers - What gives them the edge?

this is a presentation I found on slideshare which shows the various methods of enticing the audience authentic to the thriller genre.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Conventions of Thrillers

Here is a presentation I found on slideshare ( I love these) we will definately be using some of these features authentic to thrillers in our film opening.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Third draft of Our Film

We have decided to take away the sound of a can opening simply because it has no significance to the opening or the rest of the film.. originally we wanted the sound of a camera flash it relates to the agitated, crazy characters in the film.
We have smoothly edited a long montage of shots to create continuity and it is neatly complimented by the non- diegetic sound of the fantasy music.
The credits are basically non existent we just left the default title settings when arranging where we like them to appear and we will alter some of the footage to enhance the colours.

Thursday 2 February 2012

The Orphanage

Another Psychological thriller rated 15

A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, where she opens an orphanage for handicapped children. Before long, her son starts to communicate with an invisible new friend. the Spanish film was directed by Juan Antonio Bayona and hit home to the audience with the tagline No secret stays locked away forever. Rated 7.6 on IMBD

I've never seen a cinema jump like the audience at Frightfest for this film. I'm kind of tempted to name the shocks but I wont. Its such a stunningly made film, creepy, atmospheric, shocking, great story, beautifully directed, the main woman is incredible. I was never really sure if it was supernatural or psychological, but as it, its excellent. Its so well done I cant write more without giving stuff away, but go and see it.

from a review we hope our film could be as well received as this and be successful The little boy in the film talks to an imaginary friend its all psychological in his mind just like our protagonist.
