Wednesday 30 November 2011

1st Footage - Evaluation

video voice over footage..

BFI trip - How this whole A-Level is supposed to be done!!!!!

Need to totally re-assess our groups 2 min opening because there is no way we are getting level 1 just because of insufficient planning, we need to slow down and take it step by step and that's the way we get top marks, hence what we were shown and taught by Pete Fraser on the BFI trip and the reason for our allowing us to have this whole experience.

"The main thing is to make your final project look like what it is supposed to be- so if it is meant to be a trailer, you need to be sure it shows the conventions of a trailer, but if it is a film opening, it MUST follow the conventions of film openings!
The OCR AS video task asks you to make "the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes". Many students fall into the trap of thinking this is a really easy task and they can just have a laugh doing it and walk off with a good grade. Nothing could be further from the truth! Expectations are very high from this production work and you will need to work systematically and be extremely well organised if you are to be successful." 
- Pete Fraser 

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Vlogging with Miss Foster

Vlog with Miss Foster

Editing Skills..Maybe that's the best idea

Freaky Friday's Footage

Although we never got in trouble, I think the frustration and embarrassment of filming around members of the public was so much worse. They see a camera and a tripod and instead of carrying on normally many individuals want to stop and get in the shot, or ask questions about featuring in the exciting movie we're apparently filming for. hillarious! some of the characters Mac 2 met that day. Overall some good footage enjoy the clip.

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Future's Bright..

In today's lesson we finalised our location for filming and the date. We will be venturing out onto the busy streets of London, High roads and Shopping malls. Cringe* (hope we don't get in trouble) .. Watch this space.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Today we finished complying our shots on our storyboard, In this video we are presenting our ideas and receiving feedback from our Media teacher.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

From Ameture to Pro

Today Mac2 really stretched our editing skills we made and finalised two projects and uploaded them to YouTube and our blogs; we now know how to confidently apply transitions, sounds and special effects on imovie.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Footage, Footage Precious 1st Footage!!

Last night Mac2 went out to make the all important first attempt of filming the raw footage to feature in our 2 minute film opening.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Slow motion and Editing

that 70's show circular camera angle transition thing. watch this space Mac 2 are going to add our version to our archive.

Tuesday 1 November 2011


Here is our story board we roughly sketched the camera angles and the content of each frame.
